Wednesday 1 December 2010

Oh My.

So I absolutely broke my promise and left this poor little blog behind - so sorry!

Am mid-panic with all the work I have to do for my placement interview tomorrow (it's a catch-up review to see how I'm doing & all that), so I'll be off now to plough on, though I will be back at some point to write in here properly! x

Monday 21 June 2010

New Job!

Oh hello...a thousand times hello! I have been away from this blog for an extremely long time and this is, I do believe, unforgivable in terms of blog-writing etiquette.
I am starting a new job soon (about which I have agreed, with my university, to write a blog...time-filler!) and I'm super excited! It's a placement and 'll be working in first proper 9-5 job! Very excited :)
I'll still check in here as, I promise, my life will not be entirely full of work-work-work-related things - fun times will be a-happening.
I will write in this asap... / as soon as I've done my packing (I'm moving out at the weekend!), but I wanted to put an update here first explaining my absence! Love xoxo

Saturday 12 September 2009

These, please :)

I'm back!

There's an amazing artist called Adam Scott who did this's mega rad :D

Well bonjour and good day etc, I'm back from glorious (not so sunny) Devon...I have been back for a week but haven't had to time to update this yet! Nights out, sleep to be caught up on etc..

the body boarding was amazing! I found out that I'm not as bad at it as I thought I'd be but I also found out I look like an actual dumpling in a wetsuit! Little legs find it hard to accommodate the lengths of wetsuits available, it would seem..

Caught a few waves and seriously, it's the best feeling ever!

P.S - I've come back & it seems there's so much I need to put on'll all come through, don't worry :)

Saturday 15 August 2009

Paris, Je T'aime!

Oh wow. This film looks so good & I've just ordered it on dvd before I move into the new house!

other films I've ordered are:
  • Big Lebowski
  • Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
  • Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

Can't wait!

P.s. the only bad thing about the new house is that I'll be there, alone and with no internet, for a whole month! Hence the dvds. So excited about seeing my new room though! Fell in love with the big dark wooden wardrobe - I thought it was mahogany but it's actually oak - and the fireplace! I'll get pictures up as soon as I can!

p.p.s. I won't be on this for a while, so lots of love (if there is anyone reading this but me, ha)! x

Friday 14 August 2009

I really really

love this bag!
It's from Vans, costs £40 (say SurfGirl magazine, Issue 24) and it's totally beaute.

big love!

p.s. I've started a food diary as I think I may have a food intolerance?! Rubbish.

Friday 7 August 2009

Things what I likes.

This blog is, I guess, rapidly turning into a conglomeration of all my favourite things. Today: magazines. I’ve been embroiled in a more than 5 year long love affair with Glamour; it’s great – there is so much to love about it. Recently, though, I’ve turned my affections to publications with perhaps a little more substance. I’ve already mentioned Cooler magazine – it just gets me excited about things to come. Yes, I will be on those waves one day!

Plastique magazine is the one I have to mention next. Along with Cooler, it’s the kind of magazine I’d love to be working on. Full of beautiful pictures and words to make you think, it’s a classic – though, unfortunately, a quarterly. Definitely worth the wait, though!

Finally, Amelia's Magazine - a true stunner. These magazines are pricey (£12.99) and are no longer in publication - the last one I bought really was the last! I don't in any way regret paying that much for it, it was a treat and less like a magazine, more like a book full of loveliness to treasure forever!

p.s. someone bought one of my books from Green Metropolis! Was not expecting that to happen. Was especially not expecting the first sale to be 'The Ice Palace' by Robert Swindells...
p.p.s. last night, I saw my fabulous best friend and we stayed up late watching these films:
  • Chumscrubber (excellent)
  • Requiem for a Dream (incredible & so powerful! Almost made me cry)
  • Dans Paris (made so much better by the gorgeous yet promiscuous brother. French + curly hair = enough je ne sais quoi to...well)

The other film we didn't get round to watching (far too sleepy) was Paranoid Park - about a killer skateboarder, ha.